Type of Grass

We deliver freshly-lifted, weed-free, quality guarantee turf to you, so you can be confident that you are buying top quality turf. Turf grass sod is not only used for home lawns, but for green turf on golf courses, parks, roadsides, and playing fields. We take pride in the turf grass we grow and provide fast delivery service. Following are the types of lawn grass we supply:

Zoysia Spp Grass

(Philippine / Japanese / Korean Grass)

菲律宾草 / 日本结缕草卷

Zoysia Tenuifolia

(Mascarene / Korean Velvet / Temple Grass)


Pearl Grass

(Rumput Mutiara)


Axonopus Compressus

(Cow Grass / Carpetgrass)


We are the first to introduce the technique of growing of grass in concrete and plastic slab in the country.


Rolls (12” x Customer Request)
Slabs (12” x 24” = 2 sqf)
Slabs (24” x 24” = 4 sqf)

Characteristics of Grass

Common name Texture Growth rate Density Colour Mowing height
Zoysia SPP Grass
菲律宾草 / 日本结缕草卷
Japanese / Philippine / Korean Grass Coarse Moderate Fast Dark green 40 mm
Zoysia Tenuifolia
Mascarene / Korean
Velvet Grass / Temple Grass
Fine Slow High Light green 20 mm
Pearl Grass
Rumput Mutiara Coarse Slow Moderate Medium green 30 mm
Axonopus Compressus
Cow Grass / Carpetgrass Coarse Moderate Low Medium green 40 – 55mm


  • Uniform Thickness 1 – 1 1/2 inch.
  • No pests, diseases or weeds.
  • Good underground growth – thick mesh of white roots presents.
  • Good soil. Neither clayey nor distinctly sandy. No stones present.
  • Recently mown. Long growth can disguise thatch, small-leaved weeds, etc.
  • Consistent grass colour. No bare patches.


  • Regular mowing. The ideal mowing height is about 30 to 40mm.
  • Fertilize. Use fertilizer that has a high nitrogen content.
  • Watering. During the first two weeks of installation, water daily or more often to encourage rooting.
  • Weed control. Regular maintenance and feeding of the lawn to avoid weed and pest or disease. If necessary, apply herbicides to problem lawn.
If you need help making your decision, feel free to call us or drop by our farm, we can help guide you to select the right grass for your property.